Monday, January 08, 2007

ebay Drop-Off stores from Question Mark to Dog ?

Ina Steiner of Auctionbytes writes in her From the Editor piece. "...I wrote up some things to watch in 2007 in an AuctionBytes Newsflash article:

I'll add one other thing to the list of things to keep an eye on: eBay drop-off stores. While the eBay drop-off store trend grew very fast, it seems it is now past its peak. It will be interesting to see what happens this year. ..."

Ik denk dat de laatste ronde eBay fee increases de nekslag zal zijn voor vele Drop-Offs in de VS. The authors of bankrupt I-Soldit franchisees, are going to get company.

verKoopwinkel Amsterdam: Kijken op Internet, verKopen in de winkel