Since a few weeks we have be buying secondhand washingmachines, dryers and fridges from
Witgoedhandel de Zwaan. They sell directly to consumers via Marktplaats and their own website. We buy in sets of 10 machines or more and get a 25% discount. We then put the machines on sale for their suggested price in the bricks verKoopwinkel Zaandam, where we sell via selfservice. Uptil now we've sold 39 of 40 machines they have brought within a month.
They help us with the 2 first points of retail: 1. Stock it. 2. Price it right.
We have to: 3. Show the value 4. Take the money from customers. 5. Teach our staff about what we're doing. (Which might be a good reason to switch back to Dutch in this blog.)
verKoopwinkel Amsterdam: Kijken op Internet, verKopen in de winkel