VerKoopwinkel is not an eBay Drop-Off store. It is a selfserve consignment store, which uses Marktplaats.nl classified ads to inform customers about what we are currently selling.
We also are testing selling through eBay with auctions. The difference with a standard Drop-Off where articles are hidden from view, is that we present the artice in the store with a rack of Flyers (printouts) of the auction.
People who don't have computers and are computer illiterate can bid in the store using our "Cashklant" userid. Others bid from home. In our current auction for 1 item, a bronze Pharaoh, 4 different bidders are taking part who have never yet won or sold a single article on eBay. You can recognize them by the "(0)" feedback they have received uptil now.
And we're paying eBay for this...
verKoopwinkel Amsterdam: Kijken op Internet, verKopen in de winkel