Saturday, April 26, 2008

Mick, my former CIO visits verKoopwinkel

You've got to watch this. Mick is married to an American lady and is keeping in touch with his inlaws. In May 2004 I met Mick via the consumer watchdog site Tros Radar which was discussing the dangers of trading via Marktplaats and others sites. I told him about my idea for a combination online/offline store, "the Koopjesmolen" and when I woke up a day later he had built a site, a database in Access and a time plan for the store. He's one of the fastest, hardest workers I know. A great asset for ING where he works in the IT department.

Thanks for your visit & the link in your show Mick !

verKoopwinkel Amsterdam: Kijken op Internet, verKopen in de winkel