Wikipedia: "NIBC was incorporated on 31 October 1945 as Maatschappij tot Financiering van Nationaal Herstel by the Dutch government along with a number of commercial banks and institutional investors to provide financing for the post-World War II economic recovery of the Netherlands. This entity was renamed De Nationale Investeringsbank ("DNIB") in 1971 and was listed on the Dutch stock exchange, now Euronext Amsterdam, from 1986 to 1999. During this time, DNIB focused on providing and participating in long-term loans and private equity investments. In 1996, DNIB started its retail business through the offering of white label residential mortgages.

In 2005, a consortium of international financial institutions and investors organised by J.C. Flowers & Co., a U.S.-based private investment firm, purchased all the outstanding equity interests of NIB Capital. In connection with this acquisition, NIBC Holding N.V. was incorporated and NIB Capital, which was renamed NIBC N.V., became its wholly owned subsidiary. Subsequently, NIBC N.V. (as the non-surviving entity) merged into NIBC Holding N.V. (as acquiring company) and NIB Capital Bank became the holding's direct subsidiary. NIB Capital Bank subsequently changed its name to NIBC Bank N.V.
In 2014, NIBC acquired Gallinat-Bank AG in Germany, which was later renamed to NIBC Bank Deutschland AG. NIBC’s Corporate Client Offering activities in Germany are being conducted predominantly from this entity. This entity funds itself in the German corporate and institutional market and is covered by the German Einlagensicherungsfonds ("ESF").
In June 2016 NIBC Bank finalised the acquisition of SNS Securities N.V. The activities of SNS Securities continue to be operated under the name NIBC Markets, which merged into NIBC Bank in June 2017. With the acquisition of SNS Securities, NIBC expanded its service offering with capital market solutions, equity and fixed income brokerage and research.
In March 2018 NIBC Holding N.V. got publicly listed at Euronext Amsterdam." IPO price was EUR 8,75.
Today the price is EUR 7,90
Dividend is EUR 0,5 per year? / EUR 7,90 = 6%
Earnings per share is EUR 1,1 -> Earnings Yield = 1,1/7,9 = 14%
Book value per share is EUR 11,8
The stock doesn't seem expensive here, but Benjamin Graham said Defensive Investors should avoid banks.
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