Friday, July 08, 2022

Templeton Re-Balancing Program: Interim update: Increase stocks from 35% to 60% now. Plus program for December 2022

Since the end of 2016, I have calculated a "Sir John Templeton" Re-Balancing program which I update every December.

Now in July 2022, we have entered a bear market (a dip in the indexs of more than 20%) so an interim adjustment seems the intelligent thing to do. (I also want more people to invest more money in ValueMachinesFund.)

Here is the table I made for this year at the end of 2021: 

Since December 14th 2021 the MSCI World index (USD) has decreased from $3130 to $2600 an decrease of 17%.

Investors can profit from the cheaper prices now available to become partial owners of the companies which are publicly listed on stock exchanges. As Warren Buffett said:

“I will tell you how to become rich. Close the doors. Be fearful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are fearful.” 

The question is: How greedy today? According to this program, you should increase your holdings in stocks significantly from 35% of your holdings to 60%.

Feel free to give me a call anytime during the day, evening or on Saturdays: Dutch mobile +31629547689 John 


Below in blue MSCI World Index. In orange dots the percentage % in stocks after re-balancing according to the Templeton program I made. 

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