Elon Musk op Twitter
March 6th 2020: The coronavirus panic is dumb
March 6th 2020: The coronavirus panic is dumb
March 18th "Fear the memesphere"

March 19th Based on current trends, probably close to zero new cases in US too by end of April
Anyone feeling even
slightly ill should stay home. Elderly should avoid close
contact, even with family members, for now. Those seem most important.
March 21st Sigmoid (S-curve) is how all physical
and mental viruses behave, regardless of containment. Containment reduces
asymptote of S-curve. At this point, we have strict containment in US/Europe
& should expect similarly reduced asymptote to China.
March 31 The S-curve
appears to be entering the logarithmic phase (in the USA).
@RandyFineto: Elon, you are LOSING followers and respect by the second
@elonmusk: Replying to @RandyFineto
Bon voyage
June 30th There are a lot of C19 false positives messing up the numbers. Even tests with 5% false positive rate (in *field*, not lab) would show up as ~17 million fake C19 cases even if there were actually none.
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